Medium US Store Display
Here are a few pics of my recently purchased large display unit. This
is the type that was used in stores such as Toys "R" Us. Overall, the
display is in good condition, but the light has a few cracks (as seen
in the pics), where it looks like someone shot it with a beebee gun. I
pulled it apart, and some cracked the first and second piece of glass,
and one only cracked the first layer. I still don't know why someone
would want to use a large display unit with a nice light on it for
target practice, but some people are just stupid.
Full shot of display with light off
Full shot with light on
Full shot of the back
Picture of the headset
Picture of the light with the light off
Picture of the light on
Picture of the back of the headset when facing down
Sticker of the individual display information